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Hedy Lamarr - Actress and Inventor
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Americans in Berlin (1945 - 1994)
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Modalverben und ihre Ersatzformen
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Alaska, The 49th State of the USA
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Brits react to German Christmas traditions
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5 ways you've been recycling wrong
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A short history of the Cherokee tribes
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Why do the British drink so much tea?
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Christmas traditions from around the world
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The Ravens at the Tower of London
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Even more very British phrases
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Where does our meat come from?
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Six German things that confuse British people
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Why is English spoken all around the world?
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Why do Scottish men wear skirts?
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Things you should never say to a British person
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10 English words you pronounce incorrectly
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Brits answer the most searched questions about the UK
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Why did the British send criminals to Australia?
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Why Big Ben isn't actually Big Ben
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Brits take a British citizenship test
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5 words with different meanings in the USA and the UK
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5 inventions you didn’t know were British
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Facts about St. Patrick's Day
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Why we celebrate Valentine's Day
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Facts about Ireland
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Facts about Northern Ireland
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Facts about England
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Facts about Wales
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Facts about Scotland
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More very British phrases
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The life of William Shakespeare
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Shakespearean words and phrases
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Why feminism is for everyone
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Stonehenge – when, why and how?
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What social media is doing to our brains
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How to be British
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Our trip to London
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American football
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The Three Laws of Robotics
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Very British phrases
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Scone or scone?
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Christmas in the United Kingdom
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Nessie – the Monster of Loch Ness
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The life of the Inuit
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The Queen's birthday
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Vegetarianism around the world
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Schools in Great Britain
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London boroughs
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The British Royal Family
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Presidents of the USA
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The United Kingdom, Great Britain or England?