Competence Oriented Teaching and Learning in Higher Education - Essentials 1. Auflage 2018
ISBN | 978-3-0355-1237-3 |
Region | Alle Bundesländer |
Schulform | Förderschule, Hauptschule, Realschule, Realschule plus, Werkrealschule, Sekundarschule, Mittelschule, Mittelstufenschule, Regelschule, Regionale Schule, Regionalschule, Oberschule, Integrierte Gesamtschule, Kooperative Gesamtschule, Gemeinschaftsschule, Stadtteilschule, Verbundschule, Gymnasium, Sekundarstufe II, Berufsschule, Berufliches Gymnasium, Berufsbildende Schulen (schulformübergreifend), Fachgymnasium Wirtschaft u. Verwaltung, Wirtschaftsgymnasium, Fachgymnasium Technik, Nicht-duales System |
Schulfach | Pädagogik |
Seiten | 144 |
Autoren/ | Heinz Bachmann |
Einbandart | Broschur |
Verlag | Westermann |
What in minimal art has a long tradition, reducing shapes to a bare minimum as depicted in the sketch of the cheetah on the cover ? is a guiding principle of this publication. What is the essence of good teaching in contemporary higher education? The idea is not to present a comprehensive book with detailed guidelines for all kinds of teaching situations but rather to offer a selection of topics that are consideredthe bare minimum for effective teaching and learning. Additionally, the book attempts to address faculty’s repeated pleas for precise guidelines and support, independent of a specific country or a specific higher education institution. The teaching strategies presented are designed to optimise student learning. This publication should be useful in higher education teacher training and is especially designed to assist newly-appointed faculty to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge by themselves.
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