African American Life Writing From Frederick Douglass to Trevor Noah Beitrag aus Praxis Englisch - Ausgabe 4/2019 (August)
Beitrag aus Praxis Englisch - Ausgabe 4/2019 (August)
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Mehr zur Zeitschrift Produktnummer | OD200041014798 |
Schulfach | Englisch |
Klassenstufe | 11. Schuljahr bis 13. Schuljahr |
Seiten | 3 |
Erschienen am | 01.08.2019 |
Dateigröße | 260,8 kB |
Dateiformat | PDF-Dokument |
Autoren/ | Bettina Hofmann |
Schlagworte | Intercultural learning, slave narratives, African American experience |
Life writing has proven especially significant in African American literature. Even though slavery denied black people autonomy, black authors asserted their humanity by narrating their experiences. Abolitionists used these texts as a political weapon in the fight against slavery. White editors framed the narratives with a preface which verified the authenticity of the texts and, in cases when the narrators were illiterate due to lack of education, white abolitionists wrote down what the escaped slaves told them. Thus the narratives are often called a “black message in a white envelope.”
Life writing
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